Stuck With A Nonrefundable Hotel Room? Here's What You Can Do

There's nothing worse than travel plans falling through. From that family vacation you've been planning all year to the couple's getaway you and your partner have been dreaming of, travel is all about exciting new experiences — not dealing with cancellations. However, things don't always go according to plan. Suddenly, you're left with a reservation for a room you no longer need, and worst of all, you don't see yourself getting your money back.

After enjoying the perks of last-minute cancelations in the midst of the pandemic, some travelers continue to expect the same type of leeway — but many hotels aren't playing the game anymore. In fact, reports from Travel Daily News show that nonrefundable bookings have begun rising steadily again in the years since widespread lockdowns ended, especially since those are often some of the cheapest rates.

However, all is not lost when it comes to nonrefundable hotel rooms, despite their prevalence. From making the most of your travel insurance to negotiating directly with the hotel or even reselling your booking online, there are ways to navigate these pesky situations and earn back most, if not all, of your money.

Traveler Blog alternative options with the hotel

The most important thing you can do in these situations is to start by speaking directly with your hotel. While the word "nonrefundable" might seem like an end-all, be-all, some hotels are much more flexible and understanding than you might think. Start by proposing a full refund due to unexpected circumstances to see where they stand; written documentation of your excuse can go a long way in these cases.

If that doesn't work, you can suggest a date change — possibly during a slow season or time of low occupancy when they'd be more than happy to have you. If you move the date far enough in the future, the hotel may also be more amenable to offering a refund, communications professional Andy Abramson told USA Today. In many cases, a polite and persuasive conversation with management might be all you need, and it might even surprise you with a positive outcome. Meanwhile, certain travel services like offer built-in date change options for nonrefundable bookings.

Alternatively, if speaking with hotel management or your travel service doesn't work, check your travel insurance policy to learn more about its "cancel for any reason" (CFAR) coverage. Then, make a claim directly to them for the nonrefundable accommodation cost. In this case, though, it's important to note that you might need certain documentation to back up your claim.

Don't be afraid to think outside the box

When all else fails, you'll be glad to know that there are still options to help you part ways with that nonrefundable booking by getting a little creative. If postponing your visit and travel insurance aren't doing the trick, you can always try reselling your reservation and updating the guest name so someone else can have it.

To check if this is possible, call and ask the hotel directly if they allow a name change for the reservation. If they say yes, make sure you also ask about name change fees — although many hotels and platforms will let you do this free of charge.

Once the hotel has agreed to the name change, hop back online and consider reselling the room on popular websites like Roomer. Just make sure your credit card isn't attached to the booking before the new guest goes all-out on the minibar and room service. Remember: A nonrefundable hotel room doesn't have to mean non-negotiable! With a little strategy and effort, you can find several ways to get your money back.