What Is 'Dopamine Travel' And Why Should You Try It?

Maintaining balanced dopamine levels is essential for our brains and bodies. A healthy diet, regular exercise, and meditation can naturally increase this feel-good chemical and improve overall well-being. But there's another unexpected way you can give your mind and mood a boost. Enter: the 'dopamine travel' trend.

While traveling already is (or should be) a pleasurable activity, 'dopamine travel' gives a trip a unique flavor. It has similarities with 'dopamine dressing,' which entails wearing exciting or colorful outfits to increase happiness and confidence. On the other hand, 'dopamine travel' focuses on atmospheric color to enhance a vacation. Yup, a pop of color can do wonders for the soul. From colorful landscapes to bright homes, vibrant aesthetics can elicit immense pleasure. This isn't a one-size-fits-all trend, as travelers will seek out colors and destinations that satisfy their specific emotional needs. Fortunately, there are plenty of places to go that radiate positive vibes.

The power of color

It's no surprise that 'dopamine travel' is making a splash. Surrounding oneself with certain colors can be deeply restorative, providing emotional and psychological benefits. And, while the trend has seen recent growth, it has a rich history. Maria Costantino, a culture studies lecturer, told The Independent, "Colour therapy and chromotherapy have long been of interest to cultures dating back to ancient Egypt and have been integrated into interior and environmental design."

Whether you seek a spark of curiosity or an increase in happiness, particular colors can instantly enhance your mood. Costantino explained that cool tones can boost concentration, while pale greens can instill peace. Original Travel founder Tom Barber noted that reds, oranges, and yellows evoke joy. On the other hand, blues, greens, and whites produce a calming effect. Yet, as people naturally have different reactions to various colors, exploring what hues resonate with you can be valuable. That discovery can also help you pick an ideal 'dopamine travel' destination.

There are plenty of colorful destinations to visit

When it comes to trying the 'dopamine travel' trend, there are a myriad of glorious destinations to travelerblog. If monochromatic sites enliven you, check out Chefchaouen, Morocco's "Blue City," celebrated for its stunning blue buildings. Jaipur, India's "Pink City," also fits the bill, as it's dominated by light pink architecture. Greece's Cycladic islands feature a plethora of white homes with blue details — some Greek islands are even great for families. A popular spot for travelers, Nyhavn, Denmark, resembles a painting with its bright, colorful waterfront houses.

A picturesque island can also generate positive emotions. Indonesia is filled with beautiful beaches glimmering with blue and turquoise waters. In Raja Ampat, you can even get a burst of color underwater. Original Travel founder Tom Barber told The Independent, "There are dives there where you can see over 300 species of brightly [colored] fish in one session." A much different kind of landscape, Rainbow Mountain in Peru is a sensation with its colorful stripes. Whether stimulating or calming, 'dopamine travel' can be a powerful and special experience.