Make Sleeping On A Plane Even Easier With This Simple Tip

Sleep and plane rides are two things that should together, but in reality, often don't. Awkward seats, crying babies, and other discomforts can make snoozing in the air nearly impossible. Unsurprisingly, 61% of respondents in a survey by The Sleep Judge said they get "below average" or "very poor" sleep on planes.

Losing sleep on a long flight could mean starting your vacation off feeling tired, cranky, and jet-lagged. That might be why there are countless aids — from eye masks to doctor-prescribed medications — and tricks for sleeping on planes. But if these solutions haven't always worked for you, you're not alone.

One Reddit user posted a plea for advice to the r/travel subreddit, explaining that they were at a loss for how to sleep comfortably on flights. Thankfully, another Redditor offered a practical tip that's mind-numbing in the best way possible: Listen to philosophy lectures. To date, the suggestion has racked up 4.5k upvotes and counting — and it may be just what you need to overcome in-flight insomnia.

Feeling bored may be the secret to sleeping on planes

According to Reddit user Skaftetryne77, the key to falling asleep during a red eye or other long flight is to download a podcast with philosophy deep dives (the University of Oxford offers some that don't require a subscription to a podcast platform) and press play when your plane takes off. "Never slept so fast, so long and so well in an economy seat," the commenter revealed.

The hack may not work if you're genuinely intrigued by philosophy; but for the rest of us, it makes sense. A 2017 study published in Nature Communications confirmed that brain mechanisms encourage sleep when we feel bored or unmotivated. Plus, the audio of an academic lecture may distract you from your thoughts just enough to help you snooze.

Besides philosophy lessons, you can also find bedtime podcasts with soothing, mildly boring stories to help you fall asleep (the "Nothing Much Happens" series is a good place to start). Test out a few at home before your flight to make sure the storytelling and narrator's style are comfy enough for slumber. And don't forget your headphones in your carry-on bag. See how many hours of snooze time you can get before arriving at your destination.