This Airline Set The Record For Reliability With The Fewest Flights Canceled In 2023

A canceled flight is one of the many inconveniences travelers experience at any time of year. While it is often due to weather, sometimes it is due to pilot or flight staff shortages. Another contributing factor has been airlines selling more tickets than they can feasibly accommodate, prompting United States Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg to launch an investigation in 2023. Buttigieg also acknowledged the growing staff shortages in his statements to CBS News, stating that he wants to "hold [airlines] responsible" for selling tickets without enough staff to fill the flights.

While no airline is immune to cancelations, delays, or other disruptions, there is one lesser-known airline that has come out on top when it comes to reliability in 2023. Avelo Airlines canceled the fewest flights throughout the year. Anuvu reported that Avelo only canceled 0.1% of its flights, while the industry average is 1.4%. This airline had more flights arrive within 15 minutes of their scheduled times than average.

Avelo Airlines has seen a major increase in customers

In 2023, the number of people traveling surpassed 2019's pre-COVID numbers during Memorial Day, Thanksgiving, and Christmas through New Year's Day. Avelo Airlines felt this increase as well. PR Newswire reported that during the week of Thanksgiving, Avelo saw a 65% jump in customers compared to the holiday week in 2022. This makes its low cancelation record all the more impressive.

Aside from its tried and true reliability, Avelo is lauded for its service to smaller airports, including those in California, such as Burbank — its flights service western and eastern states and Puerto Rico. Las Vegas, Chicago, Nashville, and multiple cities in Florida are among Avelo's popular destinations. However, keep in mind that Avelo only offers direct flights. It is considered a budget airline and has only been in operation since 2021, but its number of flights is increasing, especially in Las Vegas. Sometimes, budget airlines see a few jokes at their expense, but the statistics for Avelo reveal that they should not be written off too quickly.