Stay At One Of The World's Largest, Iconic Log Structures On Your Trip To Yellowstone

When you imagine a log cabin, what do you think of? A small one or two-room place with an outhouse and a fireplace for heat? What if you could stay in one of the biggest log structures in the world? Forget that tiny cabin in the woods because, when you visit Yellowstone National Park during the spring, summer, or fall, you could book yourself a room in the granddaddy of all log cabins, the Old Faithful Inn in Wyoming. 

This incredible place is right by the Old Faithful Geyser, and some of the rooms even have a view of it. With 327 rooms of different types and styles, this place has something for everyone. The Old Faithful Inn is the most requested place for people to lodge in while visiting the National Park, and it's easy to see why. 

It was built after the only hotel in the area was destroyed by fire at the end of the 19th century. The Old Faithful Inn was designed by architect Robert Chambers Reamer and built between 1903 and 1904, using local stone and wood. Just the lobby alone (as you can see in one of the pictures below) is spectacular, with a giant stone fireplace, chandeliers, a giant copper and iron clock, and wood supports across the ceiling. Here's what you need to know about the Old Faithful Inn, what to do, and how it's going to help you unplug from the world for a bit. 

What you need to know

The Old Faithful Inn is only open from May through October (check here for exact dates as they vary), so if you're visiting during that time, this is a must. If you're heading to Yellowstone, you should be aware of the weather, which is cooler because of the 6,000-foot elevation. Though it can get up to around 70 degrees Fahrenheit in the summer, the spring and fall can have highs between 30 and 60 degrees, and it can drop down to the single digits at night. Definitely check the weather before you start packing. 

One of the best parts of the Old Faithful Inn is that it has no WiFi. Before you panic, remember that night you spent doom scrolling and woke up all stressed out? You get to unplug here. (That also means don't take selfies with bears. Seriously, don't.) There are no radios, TVs, or air conditioning units either (with the weather on the cooler side, that's not a bad thing). You can bring a book — you know, those paper things with writing on them. Your boss can't email you, and no one from home can bug you. It's perfect. 

At the time of this writing, prices for a Deluxe Hotel Room start at $429 and can go all the way up to around $1,309 for a Suite Geyser Basin View in the East Wing with two queen beds. There are many options to choose from, including ADA-compliant rooms. Check for current prices and availability. 

Things to do

The Old Faithful Inn has several restaurants, from casual dining in the cafeteria to a full dinner in a gorgeous room that requires reservations. There is also a place that features game meats like duck and boar if you're looking for something adventurous.

If you want to travelerblog the park by bike, you can rent them at the Inn. There is so much to do in the area, but you obviously have to hit the Old Faithful Geyser first. You're very close, and Old Faithful is an incredible sight to see. It generally erupts around every 90 minutes (though it can vary), and the eruptions usually last between a minute and a half and five minutes. This magical spot shoots 3,700-8,400 gallons of boiling water into the sky from around 106 to 184 feet. It's astonishing. When you go, please stay on all the paths and trails, and don't venture out. And for goodness' sake, don't touch the boiling water.

There are plenty of tours available, and many of them take you on a bus through the park. (Trust us, the bears do not want to picnic with you.) They'll point out wildlife on all of them. You can book a Geyser Gazer tour, which takes you through the valley that sits between Old Faithful and Madison, or the Circle of Fire tour — the signature Yellowstone tour — which gives you an overview of the best sights in the park. You can even take a tour of the Old Faithful Inn and learn how it's changed over the years.