Avoid This Common Stroller Mistake While Using Disney's Bus Transportation

Typically known for being the "happiest place on Earth," Disney is all about making every guest's experience as magical as possible. From keeping the movie magic alive with the help of their show-ready cast members to doing everything in their power to keep the parks mosquito-free so guests never lose out on enjoying themselves, it's safe to say that Walt Disney World is not in the business of ever disappointing its visitors.

However, there's one park policy that might leave unprepared parents scrambling at the last minute: Disney's need-to-know stroller rules. The majority of those rules are very important to keep in mind when it comes to making use of the official transportation options.

Per the park's official FAQ forum, Disney requires that all strollers — regardless of their size — are completely folded up before visitors can board the authorized buses that make the drive to and from the park grounds. This requirement also means that your child has to be taken out of the stroller — yes, even if they're sleeping — and that any other items and personal belongings that might fall out or prevent the stroller from folding up completely must also be removed. If that doesn't sound like a pre-park workout, I don't know what does!

All strollers must be folded if you're taking a Disney bus

Collapsing and reassembling your stroller might seem like a pain — especially considering most parents who hit up Disney are also potentially dealing with tired kids and heavy bags on top of the inconvenience. Unfortunately, there's no amount of pleading that'll get you on the bus with an unfolded stroller. So, parents — you have been warned!

After all, being aware of this policy in advance won't just help you avoid a chaotic situation — it can also save you the hassle of fumbling around with bags, crying children, and the frustration of last-minute adjustments to your gear when the bus finally pulls up to your stop. Oh, and the strollers-on-the-bus rules don't stop there. After the journey, Disney also requires that families disembark and move past the yellow line before opening up the stroller once again. This is so other passengers can hop off the bus freely.

Thankfully, though, there is a choice if you're not into the idea of folding up your stroller. If you're hopping aboard the monorail or Disney Skyliner, you'll be happy to know that you can push them right on. The only exception to this is the side-by-side double strollers, which need to be put away completely.

More tips for tackling Disney with a stroller

Another important stroller rule to keep in mind before traveling to Disney are the park's size requirements. At the time of writing, Disney parks do not allow strollers larger than 31 inches wide and 52 inches long. Along with this, stroller wagons are also prohibited.

Outside of the basic rules, there are also plenty of handy tips that'll make your entire Disney-with-a-stroller experience a breeze. For starters, if you ever misplace your stroller after coming off a ride, it's important not to panic. In some cases, cast members are allowed to move strollers in order to make more room for other guests. If you can't see yours, simply ask someone at the park — they'll be able to point you in the right direction. Attaching a balloon or bright bandana to your stroller can also make the process of spotting it in a sea of other strollers much easier. Similarly, frequent park parents also recommend having everything from rain covers to cup holders, hooks, and even stroller fans at hand to make your — and your kids' — experience a lot smoother.

And if all this is starting to sound a little overwhelming — don't sweat it. At the end of the day, parents agree that the benefits of having a stroller while exploring Disney far outweigh the challenges of enduring a long day under the blazing Florida sun with a cranky horde of toddlers.