This Airline Seems To Be The Most Hated In All Of Canada

In many countries, budget airlines don't always have the best reputations, thanks to confusing baggage policies, subpar customer service, and a lack of amenities. It's no different in Canada, particularly when it comes to Flair Airlines. On its website, Flair describes itself as an affordable carrier obsessed with "operational efficiency" with services across Canada, the U.S., Mexico, the Dominican Republic, and Jamaica.

If you've traveled to, from, or within Canada, you may have seen the airline's ultra-low fares pop up during your flight search. However, some data suggests it's better to spring for a costlier carrier than fall for Flair's budget seats. According to a Canadian Transportation Agency report of customer complaints between April 2022 and June 2023, Flair averaged more complaints than any other Canadian airline. In the first quarter of 2023, Flair flights elicited a whopping 20.8 customer complaints per 100 flights.

Additionally, the Canadian Transportation Agency has logged several of the low-cost carrier's violations, including some shocking offenses. In 2022, Flair damaged a passenger's electric wheelchair and failed to offer a repair or replacement. In 2023, the airline also failed to assist a traveler with a disability and didn't provide refunds to customers for several months.

Netizens complain about Flair's long delays and other issues

Online reviewers seem to agree with the government data, naming Flair as one of the worst airlines in Canada. On Tripadvisor, travelers gave Flair an average 2.5 stars out of five, while Skytrax users gave the carrier a measly three out of 10. Money exchange service S Money also studied posts on X (formerly known as Twitter) and found that 65.2% of tweets about Flair were negative, making it the fifth most-hated airline in the world (though, technically, not the most hated out of Canadian airlines — according to the study, that award went to WestJet as the fourth most-hated airline in the world).

Content creators have also taken to social media platforms to complain about the budget airline. YouTuber Eric Struk documented his trip using Flair, which involved issues checking in, long travel delays, and gate agents who refused to help stranded customers. Several TikTokers have shared similar complaints. TikTok creator @thenavgeek claimed their whole flight was forced to board, get off the plane, and board again due to "missing passengers." Another example is, who explained in a video caption that they waited six hours for Flair employees to help after a flight was canceled, only to find out all the Flair agents left the airport. Another TikToker named @hunterraineh had a flight delayed for an entire week.

Is Flair Airlines all bad?

If your priority is getting the cheapest flight for any trip, booking with a low-cost carrier can be an easy way to trim some of your expenses. On the other hand, the potential problems can make booking with an airline like Flair a risky choice. But is the Canadian company really that bad?

According to some travelers, there are benefits to flying with Flair besides the affordable airfares. TikToker @rachelknowsthings noted that the cabin on her Flair flight was clean and had ample storage space for luggage, which isn't always the case on budget and regional flights. Erik Struk also pointed out in his video that Flair seats are relatively spacious with a good amount of legroom.

Commenters in a Reddit thread about the airline mostly agreed that Flair can be worth flying with, particularly if you're comfortable with a no-frills experience. Many trips with the carrier go off without a hitch or, in some cases, only a minor delay. Still, some Redditors shared nightmarish cancellations and serious errors on the airline's online booking system. Put simply, Flair isn't all bad, though the complaints and criticisms don't seem to be groundless either.