Aimee Long

Photo of Aimee Long
Cincinnati, OH
University Of Cincinnati, Université Sorbonne - Paris
The Outer Banks, Midwest America, Europe
  • Aimee left her desk job in 2021 to travel the world for an entire year — she never really stopped and has now visited over 20 countries and 30 U.S. states.
  • She once called Paris home for six months, immersing herself in the French language and culture and living out all of her Francophile fantasies.
  • Aimee backpacked over 100 miles over a two-week trip, including a portion of the John Muir Trail and the Trans Catalina Trail in California.


Freelance writer and lover of all things travel, Aimee has spent the better part of her life chasing her dreams of seeing the world. She can remember the first time she picked up a National Geographic magazine and discovered the world through its pages. Wanderlust was sparked and truly cemented after studying abroad in France during college. After traveling the world full time for years, Aimee finally took the leap to live out her dream of becoming a travel writer, helping others pursue their dreams. Her previous experience includes writing for travel publications like The Discoverer and Hertz brand Firefly Iceland, among many others. Whether she is hiking along a rocky cliff face in coastal California or exploring the beaches of Vietnam, home for her is a feeling, not necessarily a place.


Aimee has a Bachelor of Arts degree in anthropology from the University of Cincinnati, with a minor in geography. She also studied French for six months at the legendary Université Sorbonne in Paris, France.
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Stories By Aimee Long