Dan Myers

New York University
Travel Tips, Luxury Travel, Hospitality And Accommodations
  • Dan wrote a story about how to secure the best hotel room at an unbeatable rate.
  • He reveled in the opulence of a Viking Ocean Cruise, experiencing a floating luxury hotel like no other.
  • With an extensive knowledge of hospitality, Dan composed an article about the most expensive 1-bedroom hotel suite in New York City.


Dan worked as an ad concepts intern and freelance writer at Tasting Table beginning in 2009. In 2012, he joined Daily Meal, where he would ultimately ascend to the rank of deputy editor. Dan contributed to Traveler Blog from 2020 to 2022.


Dan earned his bachelor's degree in communication and mass media at New York University in 2007.
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Our editors consistently review and update articles to ensure they're providing current, relevant, and useful information. Complete information on our editorial process available here.

Stories By Dan Myers