Daniel Feininger

Photo of Daniel Feininger
Florida State University, Pennsylvania State University, Goldsmiths College
Life Abroad, Vacation Itineraries, Extended Travel
  • Dan has lived abroad for over a decade.
  • His passports have been littered with ink from more than 100 different countries.
  • He's been published in travel magazines and loves to agonize over the minute details that characterize a new place.


Dan has spent the last decade on the move, calling Muscat, Guatemala City, Shanghai, London, and Limerick home. He's been writing about travel and a variety of other topics since 2018, and is always on the lookout for his next adventure—hopefully to someplace he's never been before. In academia, the focus of Dan's writing has centered on conflict politics while leveraging cutting-edge mapping technologies to make sense of it all.


Dan earned a bachelor's in international affairs from Florida State University and two master's degrees in geospatial intelligence analysis and postcolonial culture and global policy from Penn State and Goldsmiths College, respectively.
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Stories By Daniel Feininger