Jason Tushinski

Photo of Jason Tushinski
York University, Concordia University
Road Trips, Off-Beat Destinations, Culinary Travel
  • From 2021 to 2023, Jason wrote more than 1,000 pieces for a car insurance and travel start-up.
  • He authored food-centric road trip guides covering multiple routes across the U.S.
  • On a guided tour through Gloria Ferrer's Sonoma vineyard in California, Jason taste-tested a certain vintage and, after careful consideration, described it as "soury." The sommelier was not impressed.


Jason has been writing professionally for more than a decade. Most recently, he wrote about everything under the hood for an automotive & travel startup. His professional writing has covered a wide variety of other topics as well, including AI-assisted healthcare, financial and real estate copy, the nonprofit sector, and more. Before that, Jason worked as a producer, writer, and editor for a national television news organization. His writing has also appeared in magazines, online, and on the radio.


Jason holds both a B.A. and M.A. in history from York University in Toronto, Canada. He also holds a graduate diploma in journalism from Concordia University in Montreal, Canada.
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Stories By Jason Tushinski