Jordan Burgmeier

Photo of Jordan Burgmeier
Denver, Colorado
Creighton University
Outdoor And Adventure Travel, National Parks, Sustainable Tourism
  • Jordan has been to 30 National Parks in the U.S. and Canada and 15 countries.
  • She once traveled to interview people working in the remote Canadian wilderness.
  • While visiting London, England on her birthday, Jordan's hostel was set on fire - she posted a blog about it the very next day.


Jordan spent her semester abroad recording every memory in an online blog. From castles in Romania to pubs in Ireland, each detail seemed too important to forget. Since chronicling her adventures that semester, the writing hasn't stopped. She launched her freelancing business in 2023, after working for a few years sharpening her skills in a corporate setting. In addition to writing, Jordan builds websites, writes blogs and creates social media campaigns for clients. She continues to write on her personal blog, Sunriser Club, and on Medium.


Jordan earned her bachelor's degree from Creighton University. She double majored in journalism and computer science, graduating with honors in 2021. Jordan also pursued a minor in cultural anthropology to gain a deeper understanding of the cultures and people in the countries she travelerblogs and writes about.
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Stories By Jordan Burgmeier