Juvy Garcia

Photo of Juvy Garcia
Silliman University
Motorcycle Touring, Family Travel, Travel Planning
  • "Short rides" for her and her husband often means taking their motorcycle through several municipalities at least 50 kilometers north or south of Negros Oriental in one afternoon — or a province loop in the weekend.
  • Her mastery of the English language landed her copy editing and fact-checker roles in several online publications and organizations, such as the International Business Times, Australian Edition and Complexly.
  • Juvy loves to plan, and — coupled with her unquenchable thirst for learning and natural curiosity — traveling with her family often means a schedule that's not only flexible, allowing for her husband's or kids' must-sees or must-dos, but also budget-friendly.


Juvy has been a professional freelance writer for more than a decade now, and she's worked with many marketing agencies, professionals, and entrepreneurs over the years. She has written on a wide range of topics, such as e-learning, pest control, marketing, business and many more. She'll never forget the American travel journalist who believed in her writing skills and pushed her to learn how to pitch. The result became some of the highlights of her career — including a Fodor's piece on the natural wonders of the Philippines — plus, several travel-related articles for the NEA.


Juvy finished university as a Business Management graduate, where business writing was, of course, mandatory. But the encouragement of two English professors to continue non-business writing unknowingly stuck with her, giving her the confidence to pursue freelance writing after college and she hasn't looked back since.
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Stories By Juvy Garcia