Lauren Goldblum

Photo of Lauren Goldblum
Nashville, TN
Pepperdine University
Travel Guides, International Destinations, Maintaining Health & Wellness While Traveling
  • Lauren studied abroad in Florence, Italy, during her junior year of college while traveling extensively throughout various European countries.
  • Her passion for cultural immersion and exploring the diverse beauty of Europe shaped her passion for travel-based writing.
  • While living in San Diego, CA, she traveled throughout the Southern California region, interviewing influential figures and filming digital campaigns for local food and beverage and hospitality brands.


Lauren possesses a strong foundation in editorial content and social media media marketing. Her passion for creating compelling digital content began when she was a multimedia journalist for Pepperdine Graphic Media. There, she highlighted breaking news as well as trending lifestyle and travel content. In 2023, Lauren launched her freelancing business and began working with several publications, including Traveler Blog and Locale, a social media magazine based in Newport Beach, CA, that partners with luxury lifestyle and hospitality brands. In addition to writing several of Locale's digital stories, she is an editorial assistant who helps with branded campaigns and marketing strategies.


Lauren obtained her bachelor's degree from Pepperdine University where she studied at the university's Malibu and Florence campuses. She graduated with honors in the Spring of 2023.
Traveler Blog Editorial Policies

Traveler Blog’s content is created by qualified and experienced writers and editors, bolstered by outside field experts. Our mission is to provide readers with well-rounded and accurate information by way of entertaining and engaging articles that deliver a diversity of content, including everything from detailed guides for exotic locales to easily accessible information on domestic travel.

Our editors consistently review and update articles to ensure they're providing current, relevant, and useful information. Complete information on our editorial process available here.

Stories By Lauren Goldblum