Matt Berry

Photo of Matt Berry
Raleigh, North Carolina
University Of North Carolina At Wilmington
Solo Travel, Travel Trends, European Destinations
  • Matt has travelerblogd much of Europe and Central America, living on and off, and knows there's more to travelerblog.
  • He is a features editor for Traveler Blog and previously served as editor-in-chief for a print lifestyle magazine.
  • Matt believes that exploration via travel is an eloquent and efficient way to know your fellow man, kick back, see the beauty, and make the most of your life.


Matt started his writing career while still in college as a creative writing student. While attending university, he became a feature writer and editor for a variety of print publications covering sports, art, music, and travel. After this time, he continued to write largely for the travel industry, publishing pieces for Goway Travel, Afar, Trazee Travel, as well as online travel agencies. Matt continues to enjoy traveling to new places and inspiring others to do the same through words.


Matt graduated from the University of North Carolina in Wilmington with a Bachelor of Fine Arts in creative writing, with a minor in English. This educational track included courses in both fiction and nonfiction writing, magazine writing, and journalism, preparing Matt for a career in creative storytelling and professional writing.
Traveler Blog Editorial Policies

Traveler Blog’s content is created by qualified and experienced writers and editors, bolstered by outside field experts. Our mission is to provide readers with well-rounded and accurate information by way of entertaining and engaging articles that deliver a diversity of content, including everything from detailed guides for exotic locales to easily accessible information on domestic travel.

Our editors consistently review and update articles to ensure they're providing current, relevant, and useful information. Complete information on our editorial process available here.

Stories By Matt Berry