Nick Vrchoticky

Photo of Nick Vrchoticky
Iowa City, IA
University Of Iowa, Kirkwood Community College
Haunted Locations, Hiking And Camping Destinations, European Sightseeing
  • As a digital nomad, Nicholas has traveled to every state in the continental U.S.
  • He has a webcomic currently in development.
  • Nicholas previously ran a comedy production company with multiple podcasts, video channels, and a satire publication.


Nicholas has been a professional writer for more than a decade. His work can be found on websites such as Grunge, Looper, Cracked (humor), Glossy News (satire), Listverse, and Points in Case (humor). When Nicholas isn't pounding out words for his favorite publications, you can find him loitering in dank holes while he desperately attempts to make it through his ever-growing reading list.


Nicholas earned his philosophy and religious studies degree in 2011 from the University of Iowa before completing the Kirkwood College Paramedic program in 2015. He's currently enrolled in a creative writing program on his way to an MFA.
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Stories By Nick Vrchoticky