Scott Shetler

Photo of Scott Shetler
Seattle, WA
Penn State University
Road Trips, National Parks, Offbeat Adventures
  • Scott has road-tripped through all 50 states and visited a few dozen countries.
  • He published a "choose your own adventure" book for Chicago tourists.
  • Scott's first major U.S. travel adventure involved driving a campervan around the country for four months.


Scott has been a travel writer for over a decade, starting with the launch of his site Quirky Travel Guy, where he writes about road trips and unique attractions. He has visited and written about nearly every corner of North America, plus a diverse group of international destinations such as Cuba, Iceland, Namibia, Costa Rica, Belgium, and the Philippines. Scott has contributed to travel outlets like the Eagle Creek travel blog, Rova magazine, and Matador Network, as well as pop culture sites like PopCrush and Total Music Awards. He has lived in the Midwest and Pacific Northwest and is on a quest to visit all 63 U.S. national parks (currently at 46 and counting).


Scott has a journalism degree from Penn State University.
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Stories By Scott Shetler