Stephanie Heron

Photo of Stephanie Heron
The Netherlands
UCSD, Staffordshire University
Travel Plans, International Travel, European Getaways
  • Stephanie has been traveling ever since she was two months old.
  • She has lived in and traveled to 15+ countries.
  • An adventurer at heart, she loves finding things off the beaten path.


Stephanie has written many articles for Traveler Blog, her favorite being 'Rick Steves' Top Destinations When Traveling To The Netherlands' (she's biased towards her country of residence, though). She's always in charge of planning family trips, meaning she is great at finding unique and fun things to do without breaking the bank. With so much travel experience under her belt, Stephanie is well-versed in planning doable itineraries.


Stephanie has a bachelor's degree from UCSD in biology and a master's degree from Staffordshire University in forensic science.
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Our editors consistently review and update articles to ensure they're providing current, relevant, and useful information. Complete information on our editorial process available here.

Stories By Stephanie Heron