Gorgeous Photos Of National Parks During Fall Foliage Season

The fall is the best time to travelerblog places with phenomenal mixtures of yellow, red, orange and green. When else are you going to get fresh air, smaller crowds, stunning views of bursting bright colors, and miles of forests all at the same time?[slideshow:102381]

The incredible hues peak between September and October. Put your hiking boots on and prepare to set up a tent for an unforgettable camping and hiking experience among purple dogwoods and maroon leaves.

All of New England is known for its autumn colors. People love Acadia National Park because mountains flow together with oceans, for the adventurous and tough treks such as the Beehive Trail, and Cadillac Mountain, which is the first place where the sun hits the U.S. at sunrise.

But New England states are not the only ones boasting awe-inspiring fall foliage. Witness with your own two eyes the beauty of  North America and see why hikers consider the Glacier National Park, for example, their own little paradise in the fall, or why cyclists will find themselves right at home in Shenandoah.

Click here to see 15 stunning photos of national parks in the fall.

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