The World's Best Cities For Millennials

Millennials, also known as Generation Y (people born between 1981-1991) and Generation Z (born between 1991-2001), are often defined by their affinity with technology, their entrepreneurial mindset, and their revitalizing effects on cities. To understand which are the world's best cities for young people, Nestpick, a Berlin-based startup company and online platform, produced the Millennial Cities Ranking. Featuring 100 shortlisted cities and 16 factors, this is the most extensive study of its kind to date.

10. Vancouver, Canada

Vancouver scored very high in immigration tolerance, festival ranking, LGBT friendliness, and environment for startup businesses. Millennials make up a large part of that scene which offers a unique appeal. This beautiful costal city isn't too far from Seattle or Portland, making it a perfect trip for a long weekend as well. Visit in October when locals celebrate craft beer from all over British Columbia, which happens to be the birthplace of craft beer in the country.

9. Paris, France

Unsurprisingly, Paris got a very high tourism score. This benefits Millennials because, according to the study, high levels of tourism within a city not only offers entry level jobs to all age groups, but attracts younger crowds, looking to travelerblog popular cities. Travelling to a city is also one of the first steps to relocating there, and is an essential for Millennials. Paris is also high on the list of most cultural destinations in the world.

8. Cologne, Germany

Cologne gets fairly even high marks in most categories, but the highest is for nightlife scene. Due to their age, Millennials are the driving force of the night scene and that's why the ranking includes the number of clubs and their opening times in the calculating formula. The city's second highest score is in the gender equality category. Believing that one gender is superior to another is an outdated concept for locals.

7. Lyon, France

Lyon got a perfect score in health. Millennials are highly health conscious, and access to decent healthcare and fitness options are important to this demographic. This ranking was calculated based on The World Health Report conducted by the UN. The city scored almost perfect marks in the easy access to transport and Apple Store rankings. The latter shows how easy access to technical support is for citizens and how technologically engaged a population is.

6. Barcelona, Spain

Surrounded by mountains and the sea, this progressive Spanish city is gorgeous. Perhaps what only comes close to matching the natural beauty are the art and architecture, world-class nightlife, excellent restaurants, and outdoor adventure opportunities. The highest mark Barcelona scored was for LGBT friendliness. The majority of Millennials have a hard time comprehending a lack of tolerance for another person's preference.

5. Antwerp, Belgium

Antwerp doesn't have a distinctly high score in a particular category; it ranked high enough in all of them, which is why it made Top 5 overall. Of the best 10 cities for Millennials Antwerp is second in affordable rent. With rent ever increasing and salaries not so much, affordable housing is a huge draw for this generation. The city got its highest marks for nightlife, access to technology and internet speed. 

4. Lisbon, Portugal

The city features intricate works of street art; new office buildings sit not far away and beautiful beaches aren't far off, either. This one-of-a-kind capital is starting to gain major popularity with travelers. Lisbon's highest marks are in the food and beer categories. They were calculated based upon the affordability of a monthly cost of food and the affordability of a pint of domestic beer in bars.

3. Munich, Germany

Munich is a city of wonderful contradictions—firm roots in the 12th century meet a growing tech industry. It's been called the land of laptops and lederhosen and the fusion seems to serve the city well. The city got nearly perfect employment and startup scores. Young people relocate for the purpose of increasing their employment opportunities or for professional advancement. Munich also scored very high for easy access to transportation, gender equality and LGBT friendliness.

2. Berlin, Germany

Germany's capital city has undergone a renaissance in recent years. Emerging as one of Europe's most culturally vibrant centers, Berlin is on the cutting edge when it comes to art, fashion, and entertainment, offering visitors a mix of glamour and grit. Berlin got a perfect score for nightlife scene and near perfect for gender equality and LGBT friendliness.

1. Amsterdam, The Netherlands

The "bicycle capital of the world, which made our list of the cleanest cities on the planet, has the highest total score – 108.80. It's boosted by strong performances in the tourism, startup, transportation, gender equality, and immigration tolerance categories. When moving to different cities, potentially abroad, millennials will also be better accepted in a city with high immigration tolerance. The city got perfect marks for LGBT friendliness. Amsterdam also made the list of top 10 cities for gluten-free eating.